23rd March - Paul Mileham
16th March - Tony Meredith's Intercessory Prayers
9th March - Rev David Chawner
2nd March - The Transfiguration - Rev Cathy Pearce
23rd February - Andrew Rudolf
16th February - Rev Hans Taling
9th February - The water of life - Kay Murray
2nd February - Rev Cathy Pearce
26th January - Rev Cathy Pearce
19th January - Rev Hans Taling
12th January - The water of Life - Kay Murray
5th January - Rev Cathy Pearce
29th December - Gillian Macdonald
25th December - Christmas Day - Rev Cathy Pearce
22nd December - Rev Max Wigley
15th December - Rev Hans Taling
8th December - Nativity - Kay Murray
1st December - Rev Cathy Pearce
24th November - Charlie Reader
17th November - Rev Hans Taling
10th November - Remembrance Service - Dave Pearce
3rd November - The greatest Commandments - Rev Cathy Pearce
27th October - Bible Sunday - Paul Mileham
20th October - Rev Hans Taling
13th October - Baptism - Rev Cathy Pearce
6th October - Rev Cathy Pearce
29th September - Harvest - Rev Cathy Pearce
22nd September - Paul Woods
15th September - The Way of the Cross - Rev Canon Chris Bull
8th September - Rev Cathy Pearce
1st September - Rev Chris Murray
25th August - Keith Croxton
18th August - Rev Hans Taling
11th August - Dave Pearce
4th August - Rev Cathy Pearce
28th July - Tom Harison
21st July - Rev Hans Taling
14th July - Kay Murray
7th July - Rev Cathy Pearce
30th June - Rose Kemp (Open Doors)
23rd June - Andrew Rudolf
16th June - Rev Hans Taling
9th June - Kay Murray
2nd June - The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus - Rev Cathy Pearce
26th May - Trinity Sunday - Paul Mileham
19th May - Rev Max Wigley
12th May - Rogation - Pauline Stanton-Saringer
5th May - Cathy Pearce
28th April - Keith Croxton
21st April - Rev Hans Taling
14th April - Rev Cathy Pearce
7th April - Mission - Jennifer Metcalf
31st March - Easter - Rev Cathy Pearce
24th March - Paul Mileham
17th March - Rev Hans Taling
10th March - Who is the Greatest and Mothering Sunday - Dave Pearce
3rd March - Rev Cathy Pearce
25th February - Tom Harrison
18th February - 1st Sunday in Lent - Rev Hans Taling
11th February - (Sitting with Jesus) The parable of the greedy farmer - Kay Murray
4th February - John's Gospel - Rev Cathy Pearce
28th January - Lectionary - Paul Woods
21st January - Revelation - Rev Hans Taling
14th January - (Sitting with Jesus) Sermon on the Plain - Kay Murray
7th January - Rev Cathy Pearce
31st December - Andrew Rudolf
25th December - Christmas Day - Rev Cathy Pearce
24th December - Gillian Macdonald
20th December - Carol Service - Rev Cathy Pearce
17th December - Rev Hans Taling
3rd December - Advent - Rev Chris Murray
26th November - Paul Mileham
19th November - (Sitting with Jesus) The Parable of the Talents - Rev Cathy Pearce
12th November - Remembrance - Rev Cathy Pearce
5th November - Festival of All Saints - Rev Ron Bundock
29th October - Mission - Keith Croxton
22nd October -
15th October - Rev Hans Taling
8th October - Harvest Festival - Kay Murray
1st October - Rev Stephen Croft & Rev Cathy Pearce
24th September - Andrew Rudolf
17th September - Rev Hans Taling
10th September - (Sitting with Jesus) Feeding the Five Thousand - Kay Murray
3rd September - Rev Cathy Pearce
27th August - Paul Mileham
20th August - Rev Hans Taling
13th August - The Calling of Matthew - Dave Pearce
6th August - The Transfiguration - Rev Cathy Pearce
30th July - CHIT and Children - Pauline Stanton Saringer
23rd July - Tom Harrison
16th July - Rev Hans Taling
9th July - (Sitting with Jesus) What did Jesus say? - Kay Murray
2nd July - Lectern Readings - Rev Cathy Pearce
25th June - (People of Courage) - 5. Peter and John before the Sanhedrin - Rev Val Plumb
18th June - Peacemakers - Barnabas opens doors - Rev Hans Taling
11th June - (People of Courage) - 4. Gideon - Rev Maurice Stanton-Saringer
4th June - Trinity Sunday - Andrew Rudolf
28th May - Pentecost - Rev Max Wigley
21st May - Sunday After Ascension - Rev Cathy Pearce
7th May - (People of Courage) - 3. Daniel - Keith Croxton
30th April - Mission Vision Uganda - Tom Harrison
23rd April - (People of Courage) - 2. Deborah - Paul Mileham
16th April - (People of Courage) - 1. Nehemiah - Rev Paul Woods
9th April - Easter - Rev Ron Bundock
2nd April - Palm Sunday - Andrew Rudolf
26th March - Lectionary - Paul Mileham
19th March - Mothering Suday - Kay Murray
12th March - Jesus, the friend of sinners - Rev Max Wigley
5th March - Lectionary - Titus Waldock (Guest Speaker from Simeons)
26th February - Lectionary - Rev Cathy Pearce
19th February - Peacemakers - Disputes Resolved - Rev Hans Taling
12th February - (John 14 to 16) - 5. Disciples hated by the world yet protected by God - Rev Ron Bundock
5th February - (John 14 to 16) - 4. Abiding and fruitfulness - Andrew Rudolf
29th January - (John 14 to 16) - 3. Work of the Holy Spirit - Rev. Paul Woods
22nd January - (John 14 to 16) - 2. Promise of the Holy Spirit - Paul Mileham
15th January - Peacemakers - The best places in heaven - Kay Murray
8th January - (John 14 to 16) - 1. Jesus comforts his disciples - Tony Meridith
1st January - Epiphany - Gillian Macdonald
25th December - Christmas - Rev Ron Bundock
11th December - To doubt is human - Pauline Stanton Saringer
4th December - Responses to the Promised Second Coming - Keith Croxton
27th November - Responses to the Promised Second Coming - Andrew Rudolf
20th November - God's Spoken Word - John Kimpton
13th November - Remembrance - Andrew Rudolf
6th November - Mission - Rose Kemp (Open Doors)
30th October - (Isaac the little-known Patriarch) - 5. Isaac and Rebecca's favouritism splits family - Rev Chris Murray
23rd October - (Isaac the little-known Patriarch) - 4. God’s providence - Isaac’s marriage and fatherhood - Rev Cathy Pearce
16th October - (Isaac the little-known Patriarch) - 3. Isaac settles quarrels over wells - Kay Murray (also part of the Peacemakers Theme)
9th October - (Isaac the little-known Patriarch) - 2. Isaac Offered up to God - Rev Chris Murray
2nd October - Harvest - Rev Hans Taling
18th September - Baptism - Rev Tom Murray
11th September - Service of Commemoration & Thanksgiving for the life of her late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, including the start of the Sermon Series: (Isaac the little-known Patriarch) 1. Isaac's birth long-delayed - Andrew Rudolf
4th September - Rev Cathy Pearce
28th August - Psalm 84 - Paul Mileham
21st August - Peacemakers – Solomon judges a difficult case - Kay Murray
14th August - Psalm 16 - Tony Meredith
7th August - Psalm 34 - Andrew Rudolf
31st July - Mission - Tom Harrison
17th July - Peacemakers - Abigail's quick thinking - Kay Murray
Sermons Theme: Jesus’ final teaching and extended prayer
24th July - (Jesus’ final teaching and extended prayer) - 4. The Lord Jesus prays for ALL believers collectively - Paul Mileham
10th July - (Jesus’ final teaching and extended prayer) - 3. The Lord Jesus prays for the disciples as individuals - Andrew Rudolf
3rd July - (Jesus’ final teaching and extended prayer) - 2. The Lord Jesus prays for himself - Tony Meredith
26th June - (Jesus’ final teaching and extended prayer) - 1. The Holy Spirit’s work when Jesus is raised - Jon Carlisle
19th June - Peacemakers - Joseph sees his brothers again - Rev Cathy and Dave Pearce
12th June - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - Rev Maurice Stanton-Saringer
5th June - The Coming of the Holy Spirit - Rev Pauline Stanton-Saringer
29th May - Mission - Dr Paul Woods
Sermons Theme: 2 Peter - Encouragement When Church Teaching is Confusing:
15th May - 4 The Lord's return, though delayed, will encourage godly living and highlight true teaching - Rev Ron Bundock
8th May - 3. False teachers - motivation and dangers - Andrew Rudolf
1st May - 2. Jesus' good news authenticated - Keith Croxton
24th April - 1. Knowing Jesus by faith - Paul Mileham
17th April - Easter - He is risen! - Rev Chris Murray
10th April Palm Sunday - Hosanna! - Rev Ron Bundock
27th March - Peacemakers: Esau and Jacob meet after many years - Kay Murray
Sermons Theme: How to Grow as a Christian
3rd April - 4. Sacraments (Baptism and Lord's Supper) - Rev Pauline Stanton-Saringer
20th March - 3. Feeding on God's Word - Andrew Rudolf
13th March - 2. Prayer - Joe Rhee (Simeons)
6th March - 1. Fellowship and Worship - Rev Hans Taling
Sermons Theme: Commission to make disciples
27th February - : 5. What does it teach us? - Andrew Rudolf
13th February - 4. Its later development to the Gentiles - Rev Ron Bundock
6th February - 3. Its development after the resurrection - Rev Hans Taling
23rd January - 2. Its early development - Paul Mileham
9th January - 1. Its origin - Andrew Rudolf
20th February - Peacemakers: Abram and Lot go their own ways - Rev Cathy Pearce
30th January - Mission - Dr Paul Woods
16th January - Family Service (with baptism) - Rev Tom Murray
2nd January - Christmas 2 - Visitors from the East - Keith Croxton
2nd January - 8am - Rev Ron Bundock
25th December - Christmas Day - Kay Murray
24th December - Christmas Eve - Rev. Ron Bundock
12th December - 3rd Sunday in Advent - Rev Maurice Stanton-Saringer
5th December - 2nd Sunday in Advent - Rev Pauline Stanton-Saringer
28th November - 1st Sunday in Advent - Rev Peter Goodwin-Hudson
21st November - A widow's despair - Kay Murray
14th November - Remembrance Sunday - Andrew Rudolf
31st October - Mission - Keith Croxton
17th October - The house on the rock - Kay Murray
Sermon Theme: Essential Teachings of Jesus
7th November - 6. How will it end? The second coming.- Rev. Max Wigley
24th October - 5. Where was his work achieved? The cross. - Rev. Ron Bundock
10th October - 4. What does following him mean? Rev. Max Wigley
3rd October - 3. Why did he come? To set up God's Kingdom shown in the parables - Brian Mugridge
19th September - 2. Why did he come? - To heal and to save - Paul Mileham
12th September - 1. Who was he? The Messiah - Rev. Ron Bundock
26th September - Harvest - Rev. Hans Taling
5th September - Remorse - Andrew Rudolf
29th August - Elijah flees from Jezebels wrath - Andrew Rudolf
22nd August - All seems lost - Ross Toward
15th August - Faith in adversity - Kay Murray
8th August - In the Storms of Life: Testimony - Rev Michael Greig
1st August - Pauls 2nd Missionary Journey - Post script Apollos help - Keith Croxton
25th July - Corinth Paul goes to the Gentiles - Andrew Rudolf
18th July - Joshua's Decision - Kay Murray
11th July - Athens and the unknown god - Rev. Ron Bundock
4th July - Berea Searching the Scriptures - Andrew Rudolf
27th June - Thessalonica Jewish opposition - Paul Mileham
20th June - The Power of Prayer - Charlotte & Rev. Leon Catallo
13th June - Paul's Missionary Journey - Lydia and the jailer in Philippi - Rev. Tom Murray
6th June - Paul's Missionary Journey - Origins of this journey - Keith Croxton
30th May - Trinity - Mission - Rev. Tom Murray
23rd May - Pentecost - Rev. Max Wigley
16th May - Ascension - Andrew Rudolf
2nd May - Discern good leadership - Pauline Stanton-Saringer
25th April - Gods guard against destructive leadership - Rev. Maurice Stanton-Saringer
18th April - Onesimus - the converted slave - Andrew Rudolf
11th April - Hospitality - Gillian Macdonald
4th April (Easter Sunday) - He is Risen! - Rev. Val Plumb
28th March (Palm Sunday) - Hosanna in the highest - Rev. Ron Bundock
21st March - Golden Calf - Andrew Rudolf
14th March (Mothering Sunday) - Jochabed's decision - Rev. Val Plumb
7th March - Envy - Pauline Stanton-Saringer
28th February - Kay Murray
21st February - Andrew Rudolf
17th February (Ash Wednesday Reflection) - Gillian Macdonald
14th February - Andrew Rudolf
7th February - Rev. Keith Croxton
31st January - Rev. Lorraine Dobbins
24th January - Paul Mileham
17th January - Kay Murray
10th January - Gillian Macdonald
3rd January - Andrew Rudolf
19th July 2020 - Family Service - Rev Pat Howard
9th April 2020 - Maundy Thursday - Rev Pat Howard
26th February 2020 - Ash Wednesday - Rev Pat Howard
24th December 2019 Midnight Christmas - Rev Pat Howard
1st January 2017 - Sandy Smith
28th August 2016 - Sandy Smith
24th July 2016 - Sandy Smith
12th June 2016 - Sandy Smith
15th May 2016 - Sandy Smith
3rd January 2016 - Sandy Smith
11th October 2015 - Sandy Smith